303 Magazine

303 "Private Party Virtual Dance Party


From 303Magazine.com:

Although we can't replace the sweat-drenched elation of a Hi-Dive concert, we thought we’d at least try to bring the feeling back to our homes. With that in mind, we’re launching our own weekly live-stream aptly named, Private Party.

It’s open to everyone willing to watch but private in the sense that our wicked dance moves will only be witnessed by our confused pets and stay-at-home partners. See it as an opportunity to get even better at your cha-cha slide until we all meet again.

Every week will feature a local musician or DJ that gets us up and moving, encouraging libations (for the 21+ crowd, of course) and shenanigans that grace the dance floors of our favorite local spots year-round. This week’s private party includes DJ Buddy Bravo on Saturday night. Bravo is part DJ, part ballroom enthusiast and a full-time performer. This party will be a spectacle you do not want to miss out on, so make sure to tune in. 

Tune into our live story on our main Instagram channel and Facebook at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 9 to catch Dj Buddy Bravo’s set.