
Brunch Bitch

2020.05.09 Drag Brunch.jpg

JOIN US THIS SATURDAY on TWITCH.TV presented by Jessica L'Whor!! This event is sponsored by Connect for Health Colorado and Sickening DRAG Performances !!🀩πŸ₯³ $5 suggested cover!!! 12:30pm MST!!!!

Performers will be accepting tips during the show! Please support your performers!

Special guests are  Pixie Aventura DiDa Ritz, and Nicky Monet!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

Performances by Christina Ells(Styler Dazzle), Menaje E'toi Minor Misdemeanor Anka Shayne Bella C Le Cher Luxa Mars Koa Martinez (Whorechata) πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

This week's featured bartender and DJ are Buddy Bravo and Silas MissPhitt Pettus πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

Airing live on Twitch, Sat May 9, 1:30am PST, 12:30pm MST, 1:30pm CST. 2:30 EST πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

303 "Private Party Virtual Dance Party



Although we can't replace the sweat-drenched elation of a Hi-Dive concert, we thought we’d at least try to bring the feeling back to our homes. With that in mind, we’re launching our own weekly live-stream aptly named, Private Party.

It’s open to everyone willing to watch but private in the sense that our wicked dance moves will only be witnessed by our confused pets and stay-at-home partners. See it as an opportunity to get even better at your cha-cha slide until we all meet again.

Every week will feature a local musician or DJ that gets us up and moving, encouraging libations (for the 21+ crowd, of course) and shenanigans that grace the dance floors of our favorite local spots year-round. This week’s private party includes DJ Buddy Bravo on Saturday night. Bravo is part DJ, part ballroom enthusiast and a full-time performer. This party will be a spectacle you do not want to miss out on, so make sure to tune in. 

Tune into our live story on our main Instagram channel and Facebook at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 9 to catch Dj Buddy Bravo’s set.

Mariah Carey Anniversary Live DJ Set


Cheers, Dahling! Let's have a splash to celebrate the anniversary of Songbird Supreme Herself, Mariah Carey! I'll be streaming live as well as live video on Facebook Live. Join me below!:

Please invite a lamb, make requests, and if you are in the position to, I'll accept donation here:

Thank you, Mariah, for all of the moments you have provided to the whole world! In moments when I felt alone when I was younger, when I was hiding in my room, your music always made me feel confident and full of life! Now as an adult in self-isolation again, your music reminds me of how to love myself, hot to call the hero inside me to be strong, how to let music be my saving grace, and as the world changes in front of our own eyes, how to shake it off, shake off all the worry, fear, and anxiety. Thank you and happy anniversary!

Drama Club: Dead Sexy Queer Costume Party

Callin' all babes of the cemetery, midnight hunks, and free-lovers of the after-life. Dead or alive, this costume party is for you.


Sat Oct 19 - Doors at 10:30pm
Pay What You Can at The Door (suggested $5 - $10)
Cash Only Venue

This party is for all sizes, shapes, colors, and identities welcome!

See Facebook Event Page.


PINK PARADISE: Queer Dance Party


PINK is the color of joy, cuteness, sweetness. 
Pink Paradise is a destination, a landing spot for the dance party of your dreams. The attire is easy, the party vibes is bubble gum, and the music is sassy. 


DOORS @ 9:30PM
18+ $10 // 21+ $5

β€’ Photo / Video Booth
β€’ All Pink Attire
β€’ Club / Party / Creative Lewqs Required
β€’ Pop Up Performances
β€’ Dance off / Vogue Dance Showcase (click to learn more about the Vogue Fem, Waacking, and Heels workshop happening the same day.


LOUD & PROUD Queer Pride Dance Party


Pride is every day for us but 'tis the season to be LOUD AND PROUD to the max! Come party with us as we celebrate being the most colorful humans in the world. Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Queer and everything in between are all welcome to celebrate with us.

Be prepared to serve lewqs, stomp the dance floor, and let your pride flag fly! 

Rainbow attire STRONGLY recommended! 

Emcee: Hairy Bradshaw
Performers: Lunette Cassette | Aqua Fina
Party Dj's: Buddy Bravo | Lauren A. Zwicky

Doors @ 9:30  |  Mercury Cafe  |  18+ $10   |   21+ $5



Spring has sprung
The Flowers Are Here
Let's have a garden dance party
and let's make it queer!


Dawn your best floral lewqs and strut your petals across the dance floor.
Swerve to sassy breaks and silky bass and be prepared to dance to impress. 

Sat June 2 | Doors at 9:30 | 21+ | $5 Cover At Door
Free Entry with Purchase of BravoZine! Issue 1 | Drinks at bar

Hairy Bradshaw

Lisa Frank Cortez   |   HER? 

LA Zwicky  |   Buddy Bravo

View event page of facebook




BRAVVOZINE! is proud to partner with MASSIF for the ultimate fashion dance party. End Massif Fashion Week, Denver's Premier Style event, and help us celebrate the vivid creations and colorful mind of Brooklyn based designer Geoffrey Mac. A dance party fit for party royalty and beats nourishing your boogie bones.

Music provided by Buddy Bravo- spinning electronic, sexy dance vibes, glossy runway beats perfect for you to pose, vogue and strut your best lewqs.

21+ \\ Club Kid Looks Encouraged \\ Be prepared to strut




Live Painting: Millers + Rossi

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First Friday is the best time to catch new names in art, iconic Denver artists, and so much more. Located in the RiNo, River North Art District district of Denver, Millers and Rossi is a constant support to local creatives and March First Friday Art Walk was no exception. 

I began painting at 6pm sharp and planned on giving my canvas a good 3-4 hours of attention plus small breaks for food and drinks. Well, my friends, like many a good but sometimes challenging relationships, my canvas and I took a little bit longer than expected to come to a happy place. 

The night was punctuated by a live pop-up Burlesque Performance by New York City transplant, Ashley Monroe, a successful artist in her own right, winning performance and artistic credibility across the US. What an honor to share the evening with such a beautiful human.

I was situated directly in the center of three large scale and completely stunning images by Denver Photographer, Dustin Miller. I felt so chic and expensive working under the comfort of such beautiful work. See more of his work here.


First Friday is the best time to catch new names in art, iconic local artists, and so much more. Located in the RiNo, River North Art District district of Denver, Millers and Rossi is an unassuming art gallery in front and chic, lowkey speakeasy in the back.


I stayed until past 2 am when they finally kicked me out and all the drinks had been drank, and all the Denver-ites had gone home. But WE made it, my and my princess sleeve mawma. It was finally time for me to view my final piece... I had prepared the work to be be viewed using a set of 3d glasses but told myself I would not test them out until I was completed. It was time. I put the glasses on, did a little dance because it worked (!!!) and I was officially done!

1 of 50 limited prints, signed and numbered, created to commemorate the event. 

1 of 50 limited prints, signed and numbered, created to commemorate the event. 

During the event, I offered a limited edition print. If you were unable to make the event, I saved a small handful (10) for sell in my online shop. Click here now to visit the shop. 

My first live painting session was a personal success and in a magical and mysterious way, the universe has brought me even more live painting opportunities and I can't wait to explore this new creative challenge. 

Thank you everyone who came out to see me, share a splash, and participate in First Fridays. Special thanks to the staff and crew and Millers + Rossi for treating me like a million bucks. 

Final Piece

Solo Exhibition: Let Em Have It Salon / Gallery

Thank you everyone who came out to sip a drink, enjoy snacks and see the new artwork I released. Here are some pics from the event. Thank you to the sponsors:

Whisk and Bean | Envie Media | Let Em Have It Salon

Modern Love: Modern Furniture and Art Show

This weekend, I was fortunate enough to share my work at Mod Livin' for a fundraising event. I had a wonderful time mingling with other artists and meeting new friends. My family was nice to drive in from out-of-town to celebrate with me. Special shout-out to Amanda at Mod Livin' for the support and inviting me to the event. Check them out if you like Modern Furniture! Best spot in town of vintage and comtemporary pieces. 

40West Installation

With Bob Murphy, Lakewood Mayor.

This weekend, my installation of One Positive Thing was revealed at the 40West Art Festival. The 8 Panel display can be found at the corner of Lamar St and 13th Ave. in Lakewood, at the Lamar Light Rail Station. I had a great time meeting artists, community members and mingled with family and friends. I was honored to meet Lakewood Mayor, Bob Murphy and even more honored to receive the Mayor's Choice for my poster series! Such a great honor!

Thank you to everyone who came out to visit, see the other artists, and enjoy the great weather. If you have not gone out yet, go check out the new W-Line and while your there, snap a photo of yourself with the Station Wraps! 

With Bob Murphy, the Mayor of Lakewood and Cindy Baroway of Lakewood City Council

Awarded with the Mayor's Choice Award!

I have included the images of the installation here for you. Special shout out to Denver Banners, Signs and Decals for a great job printing and installing the work. 

Dazzle Showing, 'Jazz Ladies'

Dazzle Jazz Restaurant

Dazzle Jazz Restaurant

This weekend, I was able to share my artwork with the guests of Dazzle Jazz Restaurant. It just so happens, on this night, one of my favorite Jazz Vocalists was performing. In a way, I was able to share the stage with Rene Marie, at least that's how I'm going to tell the story from now on.

Thank you to my family and friends who came out to celebrate at the opening reception with me. Special shout out to Dazzle and the art curator, Eric, for organizing the event. 

Rene Marie
The wonderful Rene Marie, singing her soul to us.
Buddy Bravo and Rene Marie

RedLine Gallery Showing

Last night, I had the honor of joining other Denver artists for a showing at the beautiful RedLine Denver. I was lucky enough to be given a spot for two pieces. Special shout out to my lovely friend, Cori, for the invitation to participate. The two pieces are featured in my Handmade Gallery.